- Day 1 - 1/23/14 - A single male kitten is discovered in the den of FP195. The 7-day-old kitten is cold (hypothermic) and listless and shows signs of hypoglycemia. FWC panther biologists determine the
- Yt familjen: http://www.youtube.com/user/LillaYTFamiljen
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Filip Winther:
- Zola, nine-years old, is one of eight Western lowland gorillas currently living at the Calgary Zoo as part of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums Gorilla Species Survival Plan. He loves to play in
- "Funny Little World" Lyrics:
Suddenly I'm famous,
and people know my name.
I've got a thousand girls just waiting,
and therefore it's a shame
that my heart has been captured
by your funny little