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- New Cristiano Ronaldo from sweden. 14 years old. Pure stepovers, ronaldo chops, Ronaldo freekicks, CR7 drag-chops, showboat. MUST SEE! Nya Cristiano Ronaldo Från Sverige, Västerås. Har Cristiano likna
- In this episode, we will find out how Andreas caught the Diglett. It will be an epic battle between Diglett and Andreas new pokemon...
Thanks to Jonas B. Ingebretsen for the epic music! His music
- trillade med kawawsakin i rödeby den 2011-11-19. frambromsen låste sig bara
- HALF LIFE 3 RELEASE DATE LEAKED On 1st of April!!! brought to you by AkillesOfSweden. It was the 1st of April when I was just browsing through the web like a lazy person. Suddenly it flashed before my