Sök video
- Team Jerkan gav sig i mars 2012 ut på en cykelresa.
Vi har inte gjort musiken och förtjänar inget cred för det.
We do not own this music and do not deserve any cred for it.
Bee Gee's - S
- FUNNY MONTAGE (100 SUBS SPECIAL) brought to you by AkillesOfSweden. This is my thanks to you guys for helping me reach 100 subs :) In this video you will find several of my funny moments and weird mom
Cool Camaro!
- ännu en awesome film
- HALF LIFE 3 RELEASE DATE LEAKED On 1st of April!!! brought to you by AkillesOfSweden. It was the 1st of April when I was just browsing through the web like a lazy person. Suddenly it flashed before my