- Join Geoff, Gavin, Michael, & Ryan as they play Mari0 for the first time. Alliances will be made, friendships will be broken, but in the end, only one thing is certain. Gavin sucks.
Mari0 combines
- 2# Let's Scream! S2 Outlast (PS4) A FATHER AND HIS SON!!! brought to you by AkillesOfSweden. In this episode I introduce you to the characthers of my future award winning movie. The characthers are ca
- This is our first video to be uploaded onto youtube and wer'e actually going to shoot another tomorrow, named something like "Detention Escape" but wer'e not completely sure yet.
And, the editing o
- Nya CS:GO Betan
Song: Kill Paris - Shades of Funk
- At one point, our squad-buddy Wacko Jacko had a confession to make.
At 66 years old, he claims he's the oldest Battlefield Bad Company 2 player in the world. And he's looking for friends!
We had t