- 25.6.2009 - Michael Jackson died
50 years old....
great singer in the past, "broken soul" in the present...
USA for Africa
just cool to do that
and good song
- "Funny Little World" Lyrics:
Suddenly I'm famous,
and people know my name.
I've got a thousand girls just waiting,
and therefore it's a shame
that my heart has been captured
by your funny little
- 1 Dennis Sheperd - Left of the world
2 Garry Heaney - Check mate 2:30
3 Neptune Project vs Luke Bond - Atlantis 5:37
new video with this 3 beautiful trance song enjoy
My new video
- A new series by the Noxcrew, creators of the Paladin's Quest adventure map series. Two unlikely companions thrown together by fate... and crime... begin an adventure that will unknowingly change their
- We express the same things but with different words
We acknowledge the same curve and those might-have-heareds
Just like the last line you draw to remind of past-time
A fast-winded feeling of fre